At gaimori' s request, I'll write about Japanese actress Rinko Kikuchi. As you know, she is known for having been nominated for supporting actress of Academy award. They say that in the movie 'BABEL,' her acting was really good. So I must see this movie! And, she is also known for her individual and original fashion. Some people say it's nice, but others say it's ugly. I think her fashion is too original and her personality may be also very interesting. However, I like a woman like her sooooooo much! These picture shows her powerful personality and you must understand it fully. Do you like her?
I like her.(with blond hair!)
This piture comes from:http://www.movie-map.net/actress_news/post_1.html
This picture comes from;
Yeah Kikuchi Rinko is cool! :)
Do you know where she is living now, in Japan or abroad, by the way??
Have you seen her movie "Babel"?
Rinko Kikuchi is so fashionable!!
but i think you're also very fashonable!!
She is cuuuute and cooool!:) I like her. I wish I could born as her.:(
I think she has a really strong presence.(^^)v
i love Rinko Kikuchi(^_-)-☆She is so fashionable. and i think she has a lot of originality!!
I also think she is cool and beautiful! She has a strong will to success. I saw her efforts on TV documentary.
thank you!but I don't know her very much!
oh! You guys know lots of about Rinko Kikuchi
except gaimori...haha♪
And thank you tokky for saying so!
Maybe she is living almost in Japan (i think...). However I've never seen the movie 'BABEL.'
I wanna see it soon!
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